100 Beste Plakate 14
It’s now official: sensomatic are responsible for the design of next year’s competition »100 Beste Plakate 14 D A CH«. The printed call for applications is being sent out today. As reported here and there.

It’s now official: sensomatic are responsible for the design of next year’s competition »100 Beste Plakate 14 D A CH«. The printed call for applications is being sent out today. As reported here and there.
Roland Bischel’s christmas window this year is a typo solution. It seems to work well as it draws a lot of customers into his shop (mainly to complain about the mis-spellings). Whatever works: happy holidays!
We designed the overall identity for Hofstätter Projekte and also redesigned Kunsthandel Reinhold Hofstätter’s identity. The cards and letterhead were letterpress-printed onto fine cotton paper by the great Neue Satz Wien.
The new art space Hofstätter Projekte has opened its doors last friday. sensomatic are responsible for the overall design. The opening exhibition features Maurizio Nannucci, italian international conceptual artist.
”Von Wegen stilles Örtchen“ an exhibition about public toilets in Vienna is now on display until May 2015. We are responsible for architecture and design of the exhibition curated by Beatrice Jaschke and Monika Sommer.
It provides information about the history of public toilets, hygienic aspects and the dark side of these places, besides others.
For the broadest experience we tried to activate all of the visitor’s senses (but smell) with games, interactive sound installations, video cameras, animations and uv-lamps.
More images in our output section
The launch of the website buchwien.at has been a month ago and mentioned below but we thought it deserves to be mentioned separately.
It is (heavy weight) font heavy and pretty pink.
Today was the launch of the programme of this year’s book fair — BUCH WIEN 14 — both online and in print.
The exhibition “100 best posters Germany Austria Switzerland” is coming to town: opening october 21st
MAK Wien.
The poster on the left by Erich Brechbühl is one of our favorites. Sensomatic’s contribution is seen next to it.
Coming up next week is an exhibition of artists teaming up with inhabitants of the “Robert Uhlir Hof” in Leopoldstadt — Kunstgastgeber Gemeindebau. We are curious to see the projects and are looking forward to the catalogue collaboration with KÖR Wien.
Roland Bischel and his happy customers can now go crazy in his shop in Traiskirchen. Tons of magnetic triangles can be loosely arranged on two shiny new magnetic boards. We’ve started with the first two patterns.
Not visible in this picture are more than 200 coloured cubes which have flooded the shop window. Time to update our output section.
The first issue of the redesigned monthly WUK programme is out! sensomatic won a small pitch between 2 x 3 studios with the aim to provide the alternative space with a new means of communication. In addition to their monthly listings, the WUK editorial team now has space for in depth articles and features.
“Unser Strasshof” — “Our Strasshof” is the title of an exhibition celebrating the town’s 90 year anniversary. We were commissioned by section a and collaborated with artist Wendelin Pressl.
A book, bookmarks and posters for this year’s Austrian contribution to the world book day.
Break away from your digital suns and worship the beauty of cut and mashed trees with some paint on. Hail cellulose pulp!
Our favourite perspective has been applied to the latest Roland Bischel bags. More isometric cubes to come.
Catalogue, posters and invite for a joint exhibition of 3 photography classes powered by Verbund, featuring orange silkscreen as well as offset print on grey cardboard.
Our entry to the 100 best posters of Germany, Switzerland and Austria was selected as one of the winners — one of only 4 from Austria. We are looking forward to seeing the other 99.
“Wahl & Qual” (‘Choice & Anguish’) was a poster for the Kunstverein Wolfsburg. The title is a modification of the phrase “Qual der Wahl” (‘spoilt for choice’) which only makes sense in German.
Our latest political and non-fiction books for Czernin Verlag.
Having started into 2014 without any expectations, this year already brought a few interesting projects. Sometimes not expecting anything at all is the way forward.