Happy holidays
We wish you a relaxed holiday break and a happy new year!
Illustration © Oliver Marceta

We wish you a relaxed holiday break and a happy new year!
Illustration © Oliver Marceta
9 years and over 40 start pages later we are still making special teaser images for every exhibition at the Kunstverein Wolfsburg. This time it had to be an animation again. Long live the gif!
It is never too late for our typographic advent calendar: Download the Bastelkit and fill each day with a little surprise for you loved one(s). Have a good start into december!
Here is an image of Phaenomenale flags of this year’s (and upcoming) festival(s) in Wolfsburg.
This happens when you make an unreadable logo.
We’ve slightly overhauled the logo for Austria’s upcoming international book fair the ”BUCH WIEN”. The background colour was not negotiable so we added some purple illustrations to avoid instant retina detachment. Together with the new font it’s a big improvement to how it looked before.
More details when this year’s fair is over.
The latest publication of Lokale Liaison. A light item with light blue blocks.
Today starts the 6th Phaenomenale in Wolfsburg.
If you are in or around Wolfsburg and want to know what’s going on, visit the visually updated website www.phaenomenale.com for further information.
We went to Salzburg to attend the Künstlerhauses ‘Open Day’. A rare chance to chat to the staff, meet artists and the director and to see our work in practice.
Look, our posters have been presented in Wolfsburg for the new phaenomenale festival 2013.
“Practice of Love” is not a manual for people who need further instructions in how to interact with others or themselves but the latest catalogue of the Salzburger Kunstverein. The lovely layout is held together by a red string running through the pages.
Let love rule!
We’ve put some bling on Roland Bischel’s shop furniture for making you wanna buy those super cool mirrored sunglasses.
They are a must have when hanging around the pool this summer. So go and get some!
Thanks to Neue Satz Wien, Sarah Bogner, we now have the most beautiful business cards, produced in letterpress with red ink on light grey cotton cardboard.
This is it, as promised for ages: our new website!
It is not the first version we made but the first we considered good enough to be published. Maybe you’ve experienced it yourself — the hardest design is the one you do for yourself.
It has been a big effort by all of us including everybody who was part of the team at any stage. Thank you — you are welcome.
We are off to Venice for the opening of the Austrian Pavilion at the Biennale Venezia.
Our favorite client Roland Bischel has produced a range of tea towels to give away. Be quick! And btw, not long to go until sensoweb 2.0 launches.
Latest book cover for Czernin Verlag: a bird singing on the sleeve of debut novel by Nadine Kegele. Illustration by Oliver Marceta.